September 30, 2009 – Call For Entries For New Product and Process Fair

Entrepreneurs young and old alike are encouraged to enter the New Product and Process Fair to be held December 12, 2009 on the campus of Moore Norman Technology Center, 13301 S. Penn Avenue, Oklahoma City. The application deadline is November 20. Official rules and regulations are available in an easy-to-navigate format at

Founded by former Congressman Wes Watkins over 20 years ago, the Fair is an excellent way for schools and institutions of higher education to encourage their students to think out of the box, ignite their creativity and showcase their entrepreneurial talent. It will also be an opportunity for students to develop problem-solving skills, expand their research abilities and help them cultivate communication and presentation skills.

But, you don’t have to be a student to enter the Fair. There are six divisions of competition: Elementary Student (grades 3-6), Secondary Student (grades 7-12) Adult Student (enrolled in one of Oklahoma’s Technology Centers), Collegiate Student (Oklahoma college students, undergraduate or graduate status) Small Business (currently producing and/or selling a product or process), and Open Class (entrants not qualifying in the other divisions). Top entrants will be invited to display their prototypes at the Fair and will compete for $11,700 in cash prizes.

Entries are judged by a panel of judges selected by Fair sponsors. All entries will be judged on innovation, presentation and potential for commercialization.
In a message to students and entrepreneurs, Watkins said, “Our country’s rich history and prosperity has been spurred by the inventions and ideas from individuals just like you.”

Fair sponsors are Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology and REI, a non-profit economic development firm providing business assistance to entrepreneurs across the state.

For more specifics or questions about the Fair, visit and click on “Rules and Instructions” for contact information.

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