“I stayed steadfast and committed to my goal and I’m thankful for that.”

When you get to know Kim, founder of Knowledge Works Environmental, it quickly becomes clear that there’s no stopping her once she gets an idea or interest in something.


From the time her father put a basketball in her hand at five years old to when she realized she was faster than the other kids in elementary school, Kim has always been determined to do her best. That same drive is evident in how she has created and built her business.


Kim was referred to REI Oklahoma by Sharon, her advisor at Metro Tech at the time, and we’re sure glad she did!


She is one of our remarkable clients in the Minority Supplier Program. Our staff describes her as a go-getter who is responsive and proactive, using all the resources available to her in the program.


We know how incredible Kim is, so we thought we’d share our recent conversation with her so you can get to know her, too!

REI Oklahoma: Kim, would you tell us about Knowledge Works Environmental and what your company does?

Kim Ford: Knowledge Works Environmental is an asbestos abatement, mold remediation and remodeling company. We go into buildings and remove anything that contains asbestos, mold or other hazardous materials. This could be drywall, pipes wrapped in fireproofing or any material that poses an environmental risk.


REIOK: So, you’re going into established buildings and making them more environmentally friendly and safe, either for rehab, repurposing or demolition?

Kim: Exactly. Even when a building is set to be demolished, there’s a different protocol we follow to ensure safety, which is similar but has a few additional steps.


REIOK: What made you switch from working in the health care space to asbestos and mold removal?

Kim: At the time, I was working in dietary at a nursing home, and a friend of mine told me about what her husband did in asbestos removal. I thought, “Man, I’d like to get into that.” It’s still about helping people because these hazards, like asbestos, can cause serious health problems if not properly handled.


REIOK: Why did you start your business?

Kim: It was probably about six months after working in the industry that I knew I wanted to start my own company. A lot of people doubted me, saying I wouldn’t make it. Luckily, I have a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners in my family, so I knew it was possible. I stayed steadfast and committed to my goal and I’m thankful for that.


REIOK: It sounds like you come from a family of business owners. Did that influence your decision to start your own company?

Kim: Definitely. My father, Uncle Johnny, and many others in my family ran their own businesses—masonry, construction, lawn care, concrete—you name it. Seeing them succeed, especially through tough times, inspired me. If they could do it, so could I.


REIOK: How has your business grown over the last few years?

Kim: In the first three years, our sales averaged around $19,000 annually. I’m working on consistency now, aiming to have at least six months of steady work lined up, and I’m constantly bidding on new projects.


REIOK: How has REI Oklahoma helped you with your business?

Kim: REI has been instrumental in providing access to procurement opportunities, networking and business coaching. They helped me bid on four contracts, and I was able to secure one with the City of El Reno, which was huge for my business.


REIOK: What would you say to someone who is thinking about starting their own business?

Kim: I’d say, write down your ideas and plans. Seek help when you need it. The sky’s the limit—carpe diem. It’s only you that can stop you.


REIOK: What’s been your biggest success so far?
Kim: Our largest job was with the Department of the Interior. It was the largest paying job to date We finished it ahead of schedule, which was a great accomplishment. Seeing the difference we made was incredibly rewarding.


REIOK: Any final thoughts or something you’d like to share?
Kim: Just a big thank you to REI Oklahoma for all the support and those that support their mission. The connections and resources they provide are critical for entrepreneurs like me.




Kim Ford

Knowledge Works Environmental

8100 N. Classen Blvd. Ste. 110

Oklahoma City, OK 73114

Kimfordevironmental@gmail.com | (405) 420-5846 | Facebook Page

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