October 20, 2008 – REI Receives Award At International Economic Development Conference

The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) recognized Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. (REI) for its exceptional 2007 annual impact report. The award was presented at IEDC’s annual conference in Atlanta, GA.

Competing in the category of reports by organizations serving areas with populations under 50,000, REI was a clear standout, according to IEDC’s team of judges. REI’s 24-page impact report is produced in-house by REI’s Marketing Department. With a staff of only two people, the marketing department is responsible for the idea creation, design, layout, photos, and writing of the report which judges deemed to be very effective in relaying the measurable impact of REI services on Oklahoma’s economy.

The publication contains REI’s total impact along with a breakdown of the impact for each of REI’s successful economic development programs. A more personal side to the report is found in testimonials and success stories featuring entrepreneurs who have utilized REI’s programs.

“As the nation continues to tackle longstanding challenges in the midst of an inhospitable financial climate, economic development efforts have taken on an even greater significance. With the award, we laud trendsetting organizations like Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. for leading the charge.” said Robin Roberts Krieger, IEDC chair.

IEDC is headquartered in Washington, D C. Its mission is to provide leadership and excellence in economic development for communities, members and partners.
“We are really excited about recognition at this level,” said Tom Seth Smith, REI President & CEO. “We are proud of the creativity, vision and commitment to excellent of our marketing department which is supported by the entire REI staff.”

REI’s economic development services are available statewide.

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