November 11, 2009 – Katherine E. Faison Joins REI As Loan Officer

Katherine E. Faison has joined Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. (REI) as a loan officer at REI’s Oklahoma City office.

Faison will be working with Oklahoma entrepreneurs providing the business financing services of REI including lending programs of the U. S. Small Business Administration and other lending and business assistance programs administered by the organization. She will assist start-up as well as expanding and growing businesses.

Faison will be available to meet with lenders about potential projects and with business owners offering credit analysis and loan classification to provide the best avenue for the capital needed.

Her previous work history includes working in commercial lending, serving as a commercial credit and financial analyst. She was responsible for gathering and analyzing historical credit data and financial statements, loan classification, policy, pricing, structure and collateral.

“We are very excited about Katherine joining the REI staff and with her diversified finance experience, Oklahoma entrepreneurs can look forward to receiving the assistance they need,” said Debbie Partin, REI financial services director.

Faison resides in Norman and is an active member of the Junior League of Norman.
Lenders and entrepreneurs may reach Faison at 405.319.8190. Also visit REI’s web site at for more information about lending programs and all business assistance services available. Facebook enthusiast will also want to become an REI fan. Just search for “Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma.”

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