November 07, 2008 – REI Teams Up With City and Durant Main Street In Community Service Projects

Foregoing its usual annual staff retreat, Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. (REI) has set aside Friday, November 14 to participate in community service projects as a way of giving back to the community which has been home to REI headquarters for over 25 years.

When REI contacted the City of Durant and Durant Main Street for projects to work on, the City of Durant suggested participation in the community’s Senior Citizen Safety program. REI staff will assist the local Fire and Police Departments with the installation of beacon porch light bulbs, smoke alarms, installation of door viewers and completing “File of Life” cards.

Other REI staff will be seen at Market Square and in downtown Durant painting fire hydrants, tackling general clean-up of planters and plant beds, constructing fencing around dumpsters in Market Square and touching up Market Square and Pocket Park benches along with other maintenance tasks.

“REI’s annual staff retreat always focuses on teamwork and what better way to encourage teamwork than joining hands to give back to the community that’s been so good to us,” said Tom Seth Smith, President & CEO. “This is where REI has its roots and that solid foundation has allowed us to expand to serve Oklahoma businesses across the state.”

REI staff will be wearing green t-shirts that day carrying out their theme, Extreme Makeover: Durant Edition. “So, if citizens see a lot of green shirts in and around downtown Durant on Friday, it’s the REI family busy at work and giving back to the community that’s been so good to them,” Smith said.

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