January 28, 2008 – Former City Manager Turns Entrepreneur

After 22 years as Durant City Manager, Paul Buntz is peddling bike parts on e-Bay. His “retirement” internet business, Blue River Bikes offers parts for the serious bike rider, and Buntz is one of them. The day before this interview, he had peddled 26 miles in one of the strongest, near damaging high-wind days southern Oklahoma had ever experienced.

He began riding a bike about five years ago and was always trying to upgrade it, making it lighter. He thought a lot of other bikers were doing the same thing, looking for the same improvements as he was, so starting a business targeting this market seemed like the natural thing to do. He just had a little problem. He needed to be able to purchase the parts directly from the manufacturer. He had done a lot of research on his own but he needed someone who had expertise in the field of importing and that brought him to REI and a visit with Joy Rambo, REI’s International Trade Coordinator.

Joy helped him locate Karbona, a Taiwan manufacturer of carbon-fiber bike parts which are longer lasting and lighter. She also assisted him in setting up accounts for wire transfers and international transactions and made sure all required information was in place to avoid delays in Customs. Buntz purchased a sample shipment of parts and was very satisfied with them. He is now ready to place his first order of bike parts to sell on his e-Bay site.

Like many of us, Buntz gained experienced as a buyer on e-Bay. That worked pretty well, so then he decided to sell a few things he no longer needed. That worked well, too. Now he says the most time-consuming part of his new enterprise is designing the ads, taking pictures of the parts and providing a good description. What advice would he give to someone thinking about starting an import business? “Find a niche, do your research and talk to someone like Joy,” he said. “She will also help you stay clear of what looks like a good deal, but isn’t. I can testify to that and that’s why I always keep her in the loop.”

Buntz says he also has a new appreciation for entrepreneurs, especially those who have to invest in land, building and equipment. “My investment has been minimal since I operate it out of my home but it sure gives you a new appreciation for Oklahoma’s spirited entrepreneurs and the sacrifices they make to start or expand their businesses.”

The new Durant entrepreneur encourages anyone in need of international assistance to contact REI. “It’s an incredible resource and they don’t even charge a fee for this service, ” Buntz said.

For more information, call 800-658-2823.

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