December 21, 2009 – Tom Seth Smith Honored For 20 Years of Service With REI

Tom Seth Smith, President & CEO, Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. (REI) was recognized for 20 years of success and service at the December Board of Directors meeting.

When Smith took the helm of the organization in 1989, it was known as Rural Enterprises Incorporated. Seven years later when REI services became statewide, the name was changed to reflect the expanded service area. Over Smith’s 20-years of service, the organization’s funding has increased by 250 percent.

A lot of other things also changed under Smith’s leadership. REI introduced its equipment, microloan and Intermediary Relending Program. That was followed by the completion of Foreign Trade Zone #227 in Durant, a joint effort with the City of Durant. REI also became a Community Development Financial Institution and housing programs were introduced. Currently, over 2,700 families have become proud homeowners with REI assistance.

The addition of a Women’s Business Center, Native American Business Enterprise Center, construction of new business incubators, New Markets Tax allocations and establishing field offices in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Lawton and Alva are additional milestones the organization accomplished under Smith’s direction.

“Tom’s leadership has made REI the most respected and successful economic development engine in Oklahoma,” said Clayton Taylor, Chairman, REI board of directors. “He loves a challenge and excels in meeting them which is evident in the organization’s economic impact.”

His awards, recognitions, honors and professional development over the past 20 years are extensive and very diversified. He also sets an excellent example of community involvement and is open to just about anything to support REI’s charity of choice, the March of Dimes.

“With 20 years of leadership, Tom has made REI the most comprehensive rural economic development organization in the United States,” said REI founder, Wes Watkins. “His vision and work has helped thousands of Oklahomans with jobs and provided economic growth for Oklahoma communities. The future is better and brighter because of Tom’s leadership.”

Tom Seth Smith lives in Durant with his wife, Cindy, a Registered Nurse. Tom says among all the honors he has received professionally, his wife, children and grandchildren are his greatest reward.

To send Tom a personal note of congratulations, e-mail

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