January 03, 2008 – Ray Appointed As Coordinator of Native American Business Enterprise Center

JRural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. (REI) has announced James Allen Ray as Program Coordinator of the Native American Business Enterprise Center (NABEC) in Tulsa. The Center will provide assistance to minority-owned businesses across the state with a focus on procurement of government contracts.

Ray has served in REI’s business development division since 2005. A graduate of Oklahoma State University with a B.S. in Business Administration, Ray is also a Certified Business Retention & Expansion Consultant and a graduate of the Oklahoma Community Institute, Citizens Academy. His work experience includes various service manager positions and he also has experience as a small business owner which will lend itself well to his new position as director of NABEC.

As Program Coordinator, Ray will be responsible for coordinating training, seminars, client assessments, business consulting services and other technical assistance services for minority entrepreneurs. He will also be charged with utilizing REI’s statewide network of partnerships to help deliver services of the NABEC statewide. Services will be offered to start-up as well as established businesses wishing to expand their markets, services and products.

“James’ experience as a small business owner will be a great benefit to minority entrepreneurs,” Tom Seth Smith, REI President & CEO said. “He will be able to relate to the challenges faced by small businesses, provide them with needed training and he will be able to put them in contact with the right resources.”

Smith also said NABEC services complement what the organization already does in providing financial and business development assistance to entrepreneurs across the state.

REI established NABEC through an award by the Minority Business Development Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce. NABEC offices are located at Memorial Place Center, 7633 East 63rd Street, Tulsa. For more information contact James Ray or NABEC assistant, Genia Marcangeli at 918.459.4536. Also check out www.oknabec.com.

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