July 04, 2008 – Partin Elected to NADCO Board of Directors

Debbie Partin, financial services director, Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. (REI) has been elected to serve on the board of directors of the National Association of Development Companies (NADCO) for Region 6 which includes Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas.

Partin began her REI career in 1992 serving as a Financial Services Specialists followed by promotions to Sr. Loan Officer and to the position she currently holds as Financial Services Director. She also serves as Executive Vice President of REI New Markets Investment, LLC.

A graduate of Cameron University, Lawton, OK with a B. A. in Business Administration, Partin is a Certified Economic Development Finance Professional and was awarded SBA’s Financial Services Advocate of the Year award in 2000. She has served NADCO as a committee member and chaired the Marketing and Awards Committee.

NADCO provides legislative and regulatory support for the 504 lending program on behalf of member CDCs and other program affiliates. Through its board of directors and member committees, NADCO works with the SBA to ensure that 504 program regulations are useful and appropriate, benefit the small business borrower, and afford reasonable compliance for CDCs, first mortgage lenders and other affiliated with the lending program.

“We are very proud to have Debbie serve on NADCO’s board of directors representing Region 6,” Tom Seth Smith, REI President & CEO said. “She brings a lot of finance as well as economic development experience and expertise to the table and I believe the organization will be very pleased with the contributions she will make to the board of directors and the NADCO organization.”

REI is a Certified Development Company (CDC) of the U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA). REI offers the SBA 504 lending program statewide and is the No. 1 CDC in Oklahoma for 504 loans approved during SBA’s fiscal year 2007.

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