October 29, 2008 – REI President & CEO Elected Honorary Life Member of Southern Economic Development Council

Atlanta, GA (October 28, 2008) – The Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC), the oldest and largest regional economic development association in North America, is pleased to announce Tom Smith as the newest Honorary Life Member (HLM) of the association. He was recognized recently at the association’s annual conference in Hot Springs, Virginia. Smith serves as the President & CEO of Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. in Durant, Oklahoma.

The HLM designation is the highest award SEDC bestows and it recognizes individuals that have made significant contribution to the profession in one or more state of SEDC’s region. “Tom is an ideal example of a HLM. His dedication and service to SEDC as a board member, officer and finally as Chairman of the Board in 2000 demonstrate his commitment to us and the profession,” stated Gene Stinson, SEDC president.

“The essessence of this award is all about participation and giving of one’s self unselfishly to the profession. Tom did this through his involvement with SEDC but also with his participation in various economic development related organizations in Oklahoma,” stated R.T. (Tucson) Roberts, SEDC Immediate Past Chairman and Chairman of the HLM selection committee.

The Southern Economic Development Council is a 900+ member professional association composed of a broad cross-section of active and influential economic developers from business and industry, utilities, transportation, financial and education institutions, chambers of commerce, and local, regional and state development agencies. Members in the 17-state area share a common interest: the promotion and enhancement of the economic development profession. The SEDC region includes the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland and the District of Columbia, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.

For more information about SEDC please visit our Web site at www.sedc.org

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