January 04, 2010 – REI Initiates Monthly Women’s Business Breakfast

The Women’s Business Center (WBC) of Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. (REI) is initiating a monthly Women’s Business Breakfast. The program will meet the first Thursday morning of each month, from 8:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., at the Colloquium Room, Presbyterian Health Foundation Conference Center, 655 Research Parkway, Suite 100, in Oklahoma City. For directions, please go online to www.phfcc.com/directions.htm.

The initial meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 7, 2010.

Women business owners and professionals are invited to participate and share their experiences with those who share their interests. Learn how to market your business through interactive discussions and hear the latest in resource services for women entrepreneurs. Bring your business cards and join us for the exclusive networking meeting.

Breakfast sponsorships are available.

Registration is encouraged at www.ruralenterprises.com. For additional information, please contact Jennifer Edwards at 405-319-8190 or jedwards@ruralenterprises.com.

The program is co-sponsored by Pioneer Library Systems, Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce, Oklahoma Career Tech, and REI’s Women’s Business Center, which is funded in part by the US Small Business Administration.

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