ClearSight LASIK Center in Oklahoma City, owned by Dr. Luke Rebenitsch, specializes in helping people live their lives without the need of glasses, contacts, readers, or bifocals. For almost 3 decades, ClearSight has helped over 35,000 patients achieve the vision they want. Dr. Luke Rebenitsch is pioneering one of the first Lens Replacement centers in the nation dedicated to helping people live glasses free after 43. 43Vision will be solely dedicated to help people achieve clear vision independent of readers and bifocals. ClearSight & 43Vision also participates in internal, external, and FDA studies for procedures and devices associated with refractive surgery. Since its inception, ClearSight has grown from one to three surgeons, and has added a surgical training program.
Utilizing an SBA 504 loan from REI Business Lending, Dr. Luke Rebenitsch was able to purchase his current office. With an SBA 504 loan, business owners can finance up to 90 percent of the project’s total cost and lock into a low 25 year fixed rate. The low equity injection allows business owners to retain funds to cover a number of expenses.